Premium tour

3 h max 2 osobe na quad-u

Jedan od najspektakularnijih pogleda na Jadranu pruža se sa brda Skitača, a mi Vas vodimo upravo ondje i to stazom koja oduzima dah pogledom na Kvarner, dok istovremeno pruža pogled na unutrašnjost Istre.

Brdo Skitača smjestilo se na najjužnijem djelu Labinštine, na proplanku visine 425 m sa koga se pruža jedinstven pogled na istarski poluotok.

Skitačom već stoljećima kruži legenda o Sv. Luciji i njezinoj blagotvornoj vodi. Legenda kaže da je svetica tražila od ljudi da joj sagrade crkvu, što su oni odugovlačili i odgađali. Tužna i umorna, popela se na obližnje brdo sjela i zaplakala. Od silnog umora zaspala je, a kada se probudila do sebe je primijetila udubljenje u stijeni puno vode u kojoj se potom i umila. Govori se da otada školnica nikada nije presušila, a hodočaste joj brojni vjernici, slabovidni i slijepi nadajući se čudu, budući da je zaštitnica vida i očiju. Kako bismo Vam omogućili zbilja čarobne vidike vodimo Vas na dva vidikovca. Prvi će Vas osvojiti pogledom na cijelu jugoistočnu obalu Istre čija razvedenost očarava, a kada pomislite da ste vidjeli sve, dižemo sa na sam vrh brda. Vrh brda je najviša točka Skitače s koje se pruža najljepši panoramski pogled na cijeli Kvarner. Na sjeveroistočnoj strani vidik seže do planine Učke i grada Rijeke, otoka Cresa i Lošinja. Planinu Velebit pronaći ćete na istoku, dok je za lijepog vremena moguće vidjeti čak i Veneciju.

Garantiramo nezaborazno iskustvo i zavidne fotografije naše Terra Magica.

One of the most spectacular views of the Adriatic can be seen from Skitača hill, and we will take you right there, riding along a path that offers breathtaking views of Kvarner, while at the same time offering a view of the interior of Istria.

Brdo Skitača is located in the southernmost part of Labinština, on a glade at a height of 425 m which provides a unique landscape of the Istrian peninsula.

There is a legend that has been circulating in Skitač for centuries. Legend has it that the saint Lucia asked the people to build her a church, which they delayed and delayed. Sad and tired, she climbed a nearby hill, sat down and cried. She was tired and fell asleep but when she woke up, she noticed a hole in the rock full of water next to her, where she then washed herself. It is said that since then the hole never dried up, and many believer that the water help visually impaired and blind and pray to St. Lucia hoping for a miracle, since she is the protector of sight and eyes. In order to provide you with truly magical views, we will take you to two viewpoints. The first one will win you over with a panoramic view of the entire southeastern coast of Istria, whose indentation is enchanting, and when you think you’ve seen it all, we’ll take you up to the top of Brdo. On the north-eastern side, the view reaches the mountain Učka and the city of Rijeka, on the east side you will find the islands of Cres and Lošinj, as well as mountain Velebit. If the weather is good it is possible to see even Venice.

We guarantee an unforgettable experience and amazing photos of our Terra Magica.

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